Happy Holidays and a Joyous 2020!

It is with joy and gladness that we, Viqui and L. Alfonso, write this note. It is been six months since we left Houston, TX, and we miss you so much. Yet life is beautiful and new things, mostly wonderful things, come our way daily.

Our new venture, a tour company that focuses mainly on Andalucía, has just started, but we’ll tell you more about it later. Since we arrived, we have been to many places with wonderful people from both sides of the Atlantic. We have met with Viqui’s childhood friends and family, as well as L. Alfonso’s family in Cordoba. Camila, L. Alfonso’s daughter, is working in Milan, Italy, though right now she is visiting her mom in the States for the Holiday. We have met and shared with dear friends from both sides of the Atlantic and made new ones, wonderful warm people. We feel very fortunate to be here.

Back to our new venture. When our friends in Houston knew we were moving to Spain, so many encouraged us to start a tour company here. When we arrived, it was summer, and it was our goal to have all the necessary documents by mid-September. Summer in Spain brings a very unusual working schedule, therefore, we had to do everything by 2 pm. We rushed, met awesome and helpful people and by the end of September we had “everything” ready. When we went to register at the Ministry of Tourism in October, we were told that the European Union had changed some rules and that we still needed to get more documents. Our December tour had to be cancelled, and new offices to visit were ahead of us. Well, everything happens for good and things turned out really well. On mid-December, we were given the permit, and now we can offer you all our services at Yugen & Duende-Vive Andalucía.

Our plan is to have at least four tours this year. As you can see in the Tours section of the website, right now, we have two journeys prepared for you. A third one is brewing at this moment and a fourth one will be posted before spring is over. So, join one of our tours.

Keep in mind that Yugen & Duende-Vive Andalucía can help you design your own tours of Andalucía, the options are endless. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are making sure that you encounter places with yugen and stay in accommodations with duende so that you experience the beauty, the flavors, and the wonders of this land. 

Thank you for your friendship and your support.

¡Felicidades y próspero 2020!  

Viqui & L. Alfonso


  1. Kevin and Deirdre Douglass

    Hola Luis Alfonso y Viqui,

    Que lindo escuchar de ustedes.
    Los felicitamos que lla empieza Yugen y Duende. Les deseamos todo lo mejor y que tengan un prospero 2020.

    Tenemos lindas noticias para todos nuestros amigos. Elena y su esposo Scott están esperando su primer bebe, una niña, en Abril. Vamos a ser abuelos con la gracia de Dios 🙂 Le pedimos a El que le de salud a mama y bebe, Amen.

    Esta noche nos vamos de vacaciones a Argentina y Antártida por tres semanas. Es un “Bucket List” trip para nosotros.

    Esperamos un día visitarlos y tomar uno de sus tours.


    Kevin y Deirdre

    • Yugen & Duende

      Que buenas nuevas nos dais. Felicidades abuelitos. Esperamos que el viaje a Argentina sea espectacular. Los esperamos por Andalucía.
      Viqui y L. Alfonso

  2. Maricarmen

    Que gusto me da veros tan felices.
    Os deseo lo mejor del mundo.
    Un fuerte abrazo desde Houston

    • Yugen & Duende

      Besos desde Andalucía. Ojalá verte pronto por estos lares.

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